Teaching is Teaching


Welcome to the lounge, where I will spill some much-needed tea and insight on topics that relate to any educator. Join in and enjoy our monthly conversation.  

Hi, I am Skyler, and I have a passion for what I do. As far back as I can remember, I always knew that I had an interest in teaching. The feelings flooded my heart when I had my first student teaching experience in a kindergarten classroom. I just knew at that very moment that I was meant to be a kindergarten teacher. Teaching the fundamentals through song, play, and dance every day was ideal. It was my dream, and for the longest, I believed it to be my purpose. As time went on, I had the opportunity to teach older students. To be honest. I was too fearful and entirely out of my comfort zone. The thought of teaching older children and special education had never entered my mind.  Despite reservations, I did it and grew to love the experience with my older students even more than teaching my kinder babies. At the end of my first year of teaching 7th-grade students, I came to the realization ––teaching is teaching. It does not matter what subject area the teacher is covering because any great educator will supply valuable lessons. 

We are taught so many meaningful lessons growing up. For me, each educator ––parent, family member, friend, and teacher have been influential in me starting this blog. I hope to reach every educator inside or outside of the classroom and inspire you to discuss relatable topics, compel you to take a stand, and cultivate a network of new educators. I request that you join me for this exciting ride. You do not want to miss a session on finding the answers for balance. After working in the field for some time, I have found that I am still searching for balance. I am working to create a lifestyle that allows me to balance parenthood and my career. Isn't that what we are all hoping for, balance? I may not have all the answers, but I am willing to take you along for the journey. We are in this together!  

So let’s get to the tea,  I’ve been in the classroom for eight years, and as many  “seasoned” teachers may tell you, teaching is not for the weak. “PERIODT!” We’ve all had parents that have —mmm.  I’ll let you finish that thought.  As a mother, I know I have tested the teacher's nerve, but we know that all parents' intentions are good. Let us be honest; they are their child's first teacher. This year more than any other, the educator's role relies heavily on the teachers outside of the classroom. This blog is to give a voice to not only those but all educators. Every month I will drop into the lounge serving a different batch of tea and discussing topics you've suggested.  

I look forward to reaching out to you next month for my next post. In the meantime, let us stay connected and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I will be waiting for you here in the lounge. 



  • I absolutely enjoy this space you have carved out for on going and effective learning throughout the teaching community. This is amazing and I cannot wait to see more. How blessed are we to have you!

    Jonquette E Washington
  • Thank you for your feedback! Don’t forget to subscribe. I’d love for you to join the next conversation.

    Skyler Elie
  • Skyler, this is amazing! Pink Apple Talk might just have become a blog, but I know that you’ve spoken this language long before now. Super excited about connecting and learning even more from you!

    Rashada Abraham

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